Being a King Jesus family means doing more than attending church on a Sunday. We believe God calls us into deeper relationships to live life united with others in our church family. It’s part of God’s plan to help us thrive and flourish in life with Jesus. So, we form smaller groups that meet regularly and call them communities.
In communities, we build these deeper relationships and grow in allowing God to use others and their gifts to be a part of God’s work in our lives, and ours in theirs. In community, you will pursue growing in family with others, practice engaging with the presence of God in your life, and be formed to become more like Jesus so you can step into the calling God has for you in creation, strengthened and encouraged by your community.
try Alpha
Want to test the waters of faith and community? Join us for Alpha, a series of nine conversations that explore life, spirituality, and the foundations of the Christian faith in a friendly, open, and informal environment.
Try Pop-Ups
An approachable and laid-back opportunity to connect with our Communities team and fellow AJCers throughout the week all over the city.
Find Community
Find out where and when open communities groups meet. Let us know which ones you’d like to explore and we will connect you with a group.

Start a New Community.
If you’d like to be part of forming a new community, we’d love to talk to you!
You may already meet regularly with a group of people and want to connect to the rest of community life at AJC, or maybe you are passionate about communities and want to help start something new. Even if you aren’t sure but want to talk, ask questions, or learn more, we want to talk to you! Tap the button below to get connected with our Communities team.
Have Questions?
If you have questions, want to talk something through about you and communities, or want to find out more about communities at A Jesus Church, we’d love to chat with you.