
Prayer Ministry at A Jesus Church exists to fuel encounter with the living God, cultivate intimacy with the Father, create space to listen and obey Jesus, and encourage participation in the mission of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.

This, then, is how you should pray:

Our Father in heaven, holy be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, as we also have forgiven those who sing against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Tuesday Morning Prayer & Worship

Tuesdays, 9a in The Venue

This space is dedicated to learning to pray as a community. From imaginative prayer, to contemplation and examen, blessing prayer and intercession, come explore the creative and intimate ways we can listen and speak to God in prayer. 

Gen Z Prayer

1st Monday of the Month

We’ve carved out this space to ask that we would see a move of the Holy Spirit to awaken the coming generation to the wonder and glory of God in our time.
This prayer crew is mostly filled with middle and high school Gen-Z students who want to be on the front lines of this awakening.

Pre-Gathering Prayer

Sundays, 8a in The Garage

This format is welcoming and accessible, expressing commitment to prayer and training and mobilizing people to lean into the heart of God in prayer. PGP includes confession, repentance, thanksgiving, intercession, listening, prophesy, and declaration, inviting everyone to practice and participate in the different ways to commune and communicate with the Living God.

Prayer Ministry

We believe that God is not absent or distant from our lives but close and personal, and through the Holy Spirit, wants to meet with us personally. Whatever season of life you find yourself in– grief, celebration, doubt, or desperation, we’d love to partner with you in communing with God through prayer.

Our Prayer Team is available for prayer ministry on Sundays during the gatherings, but if you would like to connect with us now with a specific prayer request, please tap the button below.

If you are interested in becoming a part of our Prayer Ministry Team please let us know by tapping the Prayer Team button.