How to Read The Bible

Going Deeper

Deepen your relationship with Jesus by reading the book of Philippians together.

How to Read

Follow these simple steps to P.R.A.Y. through the book of Philippians

As you come to Jesus with your Bible open, remember He is with you. Jesus is at work in you and around you, and He wants to speak to you.

Pray a Prayer of Approach–

“Jesus, I’m here to meet with you;
Help me be still and become more aware of your presence.
Jesus, I want to hear from you;
What do you want to show me?”

1. Pause

Read slowly. Look for places where your heart is stirred – linger there and re-read.

If there is an idea or phrase that sticks out to you, notice what it is saying.

Chew on it with Jesus, noticing how the words impact you.

2. Read & Reflect

Ask Jesus what he’s showing you:

“Jesus, what are you showing me; why is this important to me?”
“Jesus, is there something you want me to know or do?”

Ask Jesus how to respond:

“Jesus, how can I say ‘yes’ to what you are doing in my life?”

There might be something you can confess, ask Jesus to do, or thank God for… do it!

3. Ask

Pray a Prayer of Submission–

“Jesus, help me to carry more awareness of your presence into my day. Thank you for speaking to me. Spirit, transform me as I follow and respond. Father I yield myself to your loving care; lead me today to love you and love others.”

4. Yield

Not what you expected?

If nothing stirred you, or you feel disconnected, pray to commit yourself to waiting for Jesus to reveal himself to you more this day – he will use this time and what you’ve read.

“Jesus, I trust that you will go with me and have more to show me. Show me if there is anything in the way of hearing you more clearly. Use what I have read and prayed to draw me close to you; I wait and watch for you”

Even Deeper

Take things to the next level

God loves to use other people in His family to help us discern what he’s showing us.

1. Talk about what God is showing you with others in community.

2. Help each other grow into your ‘yes’ to Jesus with encouragement and support.

3. Pray for each other, read the Bible together, and listen to Jesus together.

Reading Plan

You can read each section in one go once or twice a week or in a few smaller sections throughout the week. Make a plan that’s easy for you to keep.

Aug 18-24

Aug 25-31

Sep 1-7

Aug 11-17

To help you get oriented before you read, watch this video by the Bible Project on the Book of Philippians

Supplemental Reading

How to Hear God: A Simple Guide for Normal People
Pete Greig

You were created to enjoy a real, conversational relationship with God.

The Bible says that hearing the voice of our Creator is both central and natural to our existence as humans.

  • When life falls apart, we need God's comfort.

  • In moments of cultural turmoil, we need his clarity.

  • Facing difficult decisions, we need his guidance.

  • Desiring a deeper faith, we need God to say something, anything, to turn the monologue we call prayer into a genuine conversation.

But how do we really hear God?

Nothing could possibly matter more than learning to discern his authentic voice, and yet few things in life are more susceptible to delusion, deception, and downright abuse.

Having addressed God's silence in God on Mute, and then How to Pray in his previous bestseller, Pete Greig is back to bring wisdom and guidance to one of the most pressing and perplexing aspects of universal Christian experience—How to Hear God.

Exploring the story of Christ's playful, poignant conversation on the road to Emmaus after his resurrection, Pete draws deeply from the insights of a wide range of Christian traditions; weaving together the evangelical emphasis on hearing God in the Bible, and the charismatic commitment to hearing God in the prophetic, with the contemplative understanding of God's "still, small voice" within.

*Physical copies can also be purchased at The Cafe on Sundays